Reviewer comments reject example. Dec 17, 2021 · Example: Peer review comments.


This can happen even if it is the journal’s policy to send articles for peer review, usually to save the precious time of peer reviewers. Your comments are seen by the area chair and the other reviewers. Reviewer 1 has raised an important question. So: read rejection letters from journals with care as they are often more akin to ‘Major revision’ letters. Reject outright without review. Nov 6, 2023 · Accept or reject a manuscript with positive reviewer comments; Accept or reject a manuscript with negative reviewer comments; They will provide a reason for their decision. We thank Reviewer for this thoughtful comment. For example "There is no original contribution. He is frequently late for work and does not adhere to a proper work schedule. Nov 11, 2020 · Reasons for rejection were analyzed and tabulated separately for different types of reject decisions, that is, desk rejection, post-peer-review rejection, and post-editorial-re-review rejection. ] Response: Type your response here, unitalicized. Nov 29, 2021 · Purpose Recent calls to improve transparency in peer review have prompted examination of many aspects of the peer-review process. Contents. Authors can also request a more thorough explanation if they do not understand. Influence of phone use on sleep. We addressed all of the comments very carefully and resubmitted. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it difficult to pinpoint the specific aspects you need to address. Comments to author. Apr 5, 2021 · Make revisions to your manuscript based off reviewer comments; Reply to the reviewers, telling them the changes you’ve made and potentially changes you’ve not made in instances where you disagree with them. Note that in both comments (agreeing and disagreeing) the author is polite and shows respect for the reviewer’s opinion. A third column may be used to indicate the page and line numbers where changes have Oct 17, 2013 · Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Do remember that each reviewer sees all comments and your replies so be equally respectful to all. Writing peer review comments with three aims in mind, however, is complicated, particularly when you are recommending major revision or rejection. Then quote the full set of reviews. Author: I think this reviewer is biased! The review process is usually “blind”, so the reviewer does not know who the author is. Pick the suggestion you agree with and justify your choice to the other reviewer. Because of this, the review should be more than a simple "accept" or "reject". When you choose this option, add When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments you must: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and comments. It is a classical Reviewer #2 comment. ] INTRODUCTION Comments from Reviewer 1 Comment 1: [Paste the first comment here and italicize it. While author definitely need to revise the paper based on reviewer comments, reviewers should also make an attempt to understand the paper they are reviewing and provide detailed feedback as far as possible. For example, if you're viewing only changes made by a specific reviewer, tapping Reject All Shown rejects only the changes made by that reviewer. lrz-muenchen. Response to reviewers template. ” How to respond to reviewer comments—journal examples Sep 1, 2020 · Recently I received a rejection letter from a journal editor (including some comments). Learn more about the reasons for a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision, and have a look at sample peer review comments and examples of ‘revise and resubmit’ decisions. A manuscript can be rejected for all manner of reasons, from easy to avoid errors and oversights, to simply falling outside of the journal’s scope. It should be way more specific. Reviewer comment Change / answer; Reviewer 1, comment 1 I think the mixed methods approach is unnecessary and makes the paper too cluttered. Another key area that has gained more and more prominence in performance appraisals is time management. For example, in my field of engineering, there are two distinct terms: “stress – engineering strain curve” and “true stress – true strain curve. Reject the manuscript and send it back to author, or Before and After: Sample Reviewer Comments. Provide an explicit reference to your attention to the comments made by the review ers and the editor (if given). We hope this was the right decision. You should then have sections marked with headers for the comments from the editor and each reviewer. One of the reviewers rejected my paper as he believed I should have used method A instead of B. Insufficient scientific significance. As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a ‘major revision’ verdict. Either way, you need to go through every single one of the comments and explain what 3. Examples of reviewer comments can help! Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: 'minor revisions', 'major revisions', 'revise and resubmit' and 'reject' decisions. Jan 15, 2024 · Learn how to respond to reviewers' comments and suggestions in a journal article. The main goal of the peer review is to support authors in their attempt to publish ethically sound and professionally validated works that may attract readers’ attention and positively influence healthcare research and practice. This move signals that you have taken their comments seriously. From what you have described, I can identify two genuine problems with the reviews: Reviewer #2 has not given any detailed comments Aug 13, 2021 · There is no need to indicate the text that has been deleted (the file becomes very cluttered if the deleted text is included). There are steps you can take to avoid this. Accept, but only after minor Work Ethic Performance Review Comments Part 1 Problem-Solving Skills Performance Evaluation Phrases Part 2 Adaptability Performance Review Phrases Part 3 Communication Skills Performance Review Phrases Part 4 Teamwork and Collaboration Evaluation Comments Part 5 Leadership Abilities Performance Review Phrases Part 6 Technical Skills Performance Evaluation Comments Part 7 Interpersonal Skills Oct 12, 2017 · In some cases, the question the reviewer asks reveals a deeper misunderstanding about the overall study or some of the assumptions therein. If the reviewers had similar comments, do not ask one reviewer to “see response to Reviewer 2,” or simply write “Comment 1: See response to comment 4 from Reviewer 1. Instead, focus on the comments regarding the soundness of the science presented and how the study adds to literature. Read on! Aug 4, 2020 · While comments from reviewers pertaining to style and structure may be helpful, I find the passage of time is often more effective here than any reviewer comments. Feb 20, 2015 · At SubStance Harris said the desk and peer-reviewed rejection letters she sends authors are basically one in the same expect for one component, reviewer comments. You can edit pending comments anytime before you submit your review. Comments from Reviewer 2 Comment 1: [Paste the full comment here and italicize it. In the second column, the authors provide their detailed responses to each point (whether positive and negative) in each row. Nobody likes rejection - not desk rejection or any other kind. ” Addressing Comments: Detailed Response: “Reviewer 1, Comment 1: The sample size is too small. The negative comments on 123 manuscripts that received “questionable, probably exclude” or “definitely exclude” overall ratings from at least one reviewer were evaluated. Confidential comments to editor. Nov 1, 2023 · Rejection is a common part of the publication journey, but sometimes it's worth appealing the decision. However, guidance on how to write a response to manuscript reviews is lacking The negative comments on 123 manuscripts that received "questionable, probably exclude" or "definitely exclude" overall ratings from at least one reviewer were evaluated. May 1, 2024 · 100 Performance Review Example Phrases & Comments for 2024 [Free PDF] Effective performance management forms the backbone of a successful organization. the comments of the reviewers and the Sep 27, 2013 · In the case where more than one referee has raised the same concern, it’s best to cite “see response to point 2 from Reviewer #1”, for example. For the response document, reproduce the reviewers’ comments in full. Regardless of whether manuscripts were recommended for acceptance or rejection, most of the reviewers' comments were on two aspects of the manuscript: the subject matter or content and the methodology (see Table 1). Any negative or emotional reaction to the reviewers and editor who provide comments critical of a manuscript reflecting months and years of the authors’ hard Apr 1, 2011 · Restate the reviewer's comment. Response: We acknowledge the limitation of the sample size. Journal Policies for an Appeal Letter Jan 1, 2024 · Method 2: Place your cursor in the comment or the text connected to the comment and then select the Delete menu arrow in the Review tab. Performance review comments and questions about time management skills have over time evolved to reflect an employee’s ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Responses to specific review questions, including whether the review was conducted with an early career researcher and whether you feel the article is appropriate for highlighting with an Invited Perspective (see below). Another way editors can help reviewers give more concrete commentary is by advising them to log their reactions and responses to a paper as they Reviewer comments Reviewer comments include answers to set questions, and then a list of general comments. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, UK, 2007. Nov 1, 2015 · Desk rejection: This occurs when an article has been rejected outright by the editor-in-chief, usually without being sent for peer review. de Abstract – After a short overview of arguments pro and contra peer reviews, examples of gross misjudgement are compiled, followed by an attempt to identify some frequent, recurrent Apr 6, 2016 · A case report may describe an unusual etiology, an unusual or unknown disorder, a challenging differential diagnosis, an unusual setting for care, information that can not be reproduced due to ethical reasons, unusual or puzzling clinical features, improved or unique technical procedures, unusual interactions, rare or novel adverse reactions to care, or new insight into the pathogenesis of A ‘revise and resubmit’ decision means that a manuscript has potential but cannot be considered for publication in its current form. I disagree. When you’ve spent a lot of time and effort on your latest paper, having it rejected after review is going to hurt. 2. Dec 17, 2021 · Example: Peer review comments. Reject: indicates that the changes aren't acceptable. Read on to see some example peer review comments and how I replied! Constructive interview feedback examples Example #1: Constructive interview feedback “During the interview, your responses were well-thought-out and showed a strong understanding of the industry. Action Editor and reviewers, the Action Editor believes the material in a particular article would be better suited for publication elsewhere (e. You can use italics to highlight the comments from the reviewer. Therefore, it is important to reject a manuscript kindly. ] [Second reviewer Example 2 Edit Reviewer Comments Reviewer Recommendation Term: Revise Minor Rate Review: Please enter a number from 1-100. Example 1 Edit Reviewer Comments Reviewer Recommendation Term: Reject Rate Review: Please enter a number from 1-100. ” Each comment from each reviewer deserves an individual response, even if you use the same text in your separate responses to the 2 reviewers. All our responses to the Reviewer’s comments are in bold font, and the changes that we made to the manuscript are in red italicized font. Apr 3, 2019 · Here are four simple tips to help you respond to reviewers’ comments and fast track your paper for a positive decision! C: Comprehend (keep your cool!) When the decision letter arrives, read over the comments…Take time to understand the reviewers’ feedback and consider what they are asking you to do. 2) We expect reviewers to be responsible for comments they return on any article. Once constructive feedback is received, the revision should be pursued as a conversation between the reviewer’s comments and the evolving manuscript. This article outlines situations where an appeal letter may be necessary, such as challenging a rejection, contesting reviewer comments, requesting a reevaluation, or addressing ethical/procedural issues. Mar 11, 2019 · Writing Your Response to Reviewer Comments. Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers. ” Reviewers for most journals are anonymous, so if anonymity is important to you, avoid comments that could make your identity obvious to the authors. Focus of Reviewer's Comments. Abstract An author’s response to referees’ comments is a key component of the peer review process that affects whether a manuscript is accepted or rejected, the speed at which a manuscript moves through the review process, the workload of editors and referees, and the quality and clarity of published science. May 27, 2022 · So, how can an author avoid or at least reduce their chance of rejection at this stage? To answer this, let’s begin by looking at common reasons for peer review rejection. 100 Examples: How to Write Performance Review Comments No. The critical thinking and assessment required for peer-review are outside the scope of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies, and there is a risk that the technology will generate incorrect, incomplete or biased conclusions. %PDF-1. Nov 14, 2019 · In an author response table , the author copies all reviewers’ comments into the first column. " Reviewers for most journals are anonymous, so if anonymity is important to you, avoid comments that could make your identity obvious to the authors. They may, however, share the peer review comments (although not peer reviewer names) in confidence with other journals. Sufficient information about the previous study findings is presented for readers to follow the present study rationale and procedures. What to Include in Comments to Editor Review each comment of the reviewers and the edi-tor with an open and calm mind. Use a table to systematically respond to review comments and explain any corresponding edits. And since outright acceptance is vanishingly rare, feedback to the authors about how to improve is almost always tangled up with assessment to the editor about how to proceed regarding acceptance. Apr 3, 2023 · Example 2: Let's say you partitioned your data 80:20, and a reviewer's comments show why not 70:30 or 75:25. ewers. [Manuscript code]) Dear [Name of editor], Please see our itemized response to each comment made in reference to our manuscript. I am Reviewer Comments to Author(s): Reviewer #1 (Jillon Vander Wal, PhD): Overall, this is a clear, concise, and well-written manuscript. On questioning why, we got the answer that the review results were too bad. See an example of how to respond to a reviewer comment and when to dispute a decision. Four reviewers commented on my paper. Mar 25, 2024 · Wait for author: asks the author to review the reviewer comments. Here, we’ll look at the basic tenets of peer review, and we’ve provided a sample framework to help new reviewers give comments that will help authors strengthen their papers. Dec 12, 2018 · The editor asked me to revise my paper and answer the reviewers' questions. Specific Comments from Reviewer 1 Reviewer Comments Reply Abstract: Please focus the abstract on "When the comments seem really positive, but the recommendation is rejection…it puts the editor in a tough position of having to reject a paper when the comments make it sound like a great paper. Custom Review Question(s) : Resp onse Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: If you have a conflict of Oct 20, 2017 · After months of working on your research paper, receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision from the journal can be very disheartening. ” 4. Make this move early in the letter. Along with performing good peer-review, academic rebuttals tend to be things that get left out of traditional graduate school and post-doc training. Related: How To Conduct an Employee Evaluation Examples of performance evaluation comments Here are some examples of phrases you could use based on the category of feedback: Attendance Aug 16, 2019 · The reviewer stated: "English wording is horrible," "too much numbers," "research should not end up in a statistical comparison. " (Jonathon Halbesleben, Editor of Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology) Additional Resources Sep 19, 2019 · Thus, maintaining a high rejection rate is important for academic journals and is one of the reasons why leading outlets often initially ‘reject’ following peer review but will send a letter to an author that ‘invites resubmission if review comments can be adequately addressed’ (or words to that effect). Once you receive reviewer comments for your submission, go through them The reviewer acts as an advisor to the journal editor. Claim positive results. Editors rely on the expertise of peer reviewers to properly assess submissions. 3. I don’t think they have read any of the literature on this topic. Australian National University: Canberra, Australia, 2010. Reviewer three is right. The search terms were used separately and in combination using Boolean operators like “OR” or “AND”. For example: You can disregard comments about novelty and importance if your journal does not select for this. If the editor sent specific instructions for the reviewer report, or a form to fill out as part of the review, you should write your report in the requested format. When specific comments seem off-base, and especially when a single reviewer has many such comments, this may be because the manuscript does not sufficiently explain the hypothesis it aims to address. Responding to reviewer comments effectively will help to make this stage an edifying rather than painful Writing&Decision&Letters& & Page3& Although!this!is!an!interesting!report,!vague!presentations!of!aortic!dissection!are! wellknown. When you write your response to reviewer comments, you then have the option to make the changes that the reviewers recommend or not. Many excellent, elegantly prepared submissions are rejected because they provide only Learn how to avoid technical and editorial reasons for rejection when submitting a manuscript to a journal. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Writing Skills. Jul 16, 2022 · The ideal review request should be friendly and to the point, including links to your journal’s peer review policies and reviewer guidelines so new reviewers can quickly and easily learn about your specific review process and expectations. Sep 10, 2021 · We have a WORD document where we want to reject the tracked changes of one reviewer but keep untouched the changes of all of the other reviewers of the document. Also, in both circumstances the author makes a change to the manuscript that addresses the reviewer’s question. Common Errors That Lead to Rejection Human/Animal Welfare Problems: Treatment of experimental subjects that does not comply with accepted standards and journal policy; for example, lack of representative sample, absence of voluntary participation of study subjects, absence of approval of study by ethical review committee. If the reviewer has been recommending reject for most papers (including those that were accepted and went on to generate lots of citations), then the editor might put less weight on the review. Reviewing a scientific paper implies responsibilities that can only be attributed to humans. The DON’Ts: Don’t vent or accuse the reviewers of bias or incompetence. Perhaps you think the reviewer guessed you were non-English speaking, or even from China, and was prejudiced because of that. Comment 1: ‘Hidden Treasure: Scribal Hands in the Notorious Brigantine Manuscript’ was an engaging and informative read and the authors’ assessment of hands and scripts clear and accurate. ” The most challenging category is likely the “Reject with Hope/Major revision” ( Table 1 ). In addition, we analyzed the rejection reasons separately for original articles, review articles, and case report letters. Reject outright following review. Changing the method requires extra additional work that is beyond of the scope my paper. Reviewers can provide recommendations for other journals in their confidential comments to the Action Editor when The example text you provided is fine, but could perhaps be expanded upon somewhat. Sep 27, 2013 · 1) Comment 1. Peer-review systems often allow confidential comments to editors that could reduce transparency to authors, yet this option has escaped scrutiny. We agree with Reviewer 1 as this is an important objection. g. Below Expectations His team meetings often overrun the allotted time. A similar analysis was Aug 7, 2024 · To add line comments, click the desired line of text in the content view, type your comment in the text box and click Add. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. Part 4 Example Comments to Include in a Performance Review to Provide Constructive Feedback Constructive feedback should be clear, specific, and actionable. A critical element of this process is the provision of feedback during performance reviews, which directly influences an employee's productivity, job satisfaction, and professional growth. Although some of these comments are straightforward and concise, others are conflicting and unclear and, as such, authors may find it challenging to plan and carry out Sep 12, 2012 · When a manuscript is submitted to a high-quality scholarly journal, it goes through intense scrutiny — even before it's seen by the editor-in-chief and selected for peer review. To cancel a pending review, including all of its pending comments, click Review changes above the changed code, then Jun 11, 2021 · Writing peer review comments with three aims in mind, however, is complicated, particularly when you are recommending major revision or rejection. The introduction is relevant and theory based. Can reviewers see other reviewers’ comments? Yes, but only after they have submitted their Not all feedback is helpful and there may be cases when you need to disregard some of the reviewer comments. Yet, peer review quality varies widely and few receive training or guidance in how to approach the task. ”)] [Response discussing changes or providing clarifications and explanations. ] Response: [Follow the patterns recommended above. Reasons for peer review rejection a. 6). Here’s an example review request email: Sep 30, 2014 · However, if there are basic mistakes in terminology in a manuscript, reviewers are likely to reject it. As such, an optimal reviewer comment has to comprehensively examine all parts of Make a decision. For example, “Reviewer 1 states, ‘Rodriguez has addressed this issue and her views should be considered here. Acknowledge and thank the reviewers for their efforts. Not only do reviewers give different levels of importance to the changes that they suggest, but also it is ultimately the journal editor, not the reviewers themselves, who decides whether to accept or reject your paper after taking into account the reviewers' comments. Accept, but only after major revisions. Provide a polite and scholarly rebuttal to any points or comments you disagree with. These “Peer Review Examples“ from F1000 are a great starting point. The decision to reject our paper is unacceptable. Two of three reviewers asked me to revise some parts and agree that it is quite new and can improve it but one of them reject my paper in all parts e. However, it would be beneficial to provide more specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your skills and achievements. The PR author should let the reviewers know to re-review the code after the PR author has addressed the comments. May 18, 2023 · For example: “In accordance with Reviewer 1’s comments, we deleted the table and prepared a new summary figure (Fig. Mar 31, 2022 · Please start the response letter with thanks to the editors and reviewers, and show that you have sincerely taken full account of all the reviewers’ comments. From there, choose Delete to delete the current comment, or Delete All Comments Shown, Delete All Comments in Document, or Delete All Resolved Comments (PC only). Thank you for your suggestion. , “Thank you for this suggestion. Method The author conducted a content analysis of reviewers' comments on 151 research manuscripts submitted to the 1997 and 1998 Research in Medical Education conference proceedings. The next day we received a desk reject from the editor-in-chief as the handling editor. Oct 23, 2013 · PDF | On Oct 23, 2013, Åse R Eggemoen and others published Reviewer comments | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate May 30, 2019 · Between submission of your paper and its publication stands the peer-review process. If the reviewer's comments are not numbered, split the review into individual comments. If comments are in the form of paragraphs, split them into points: If the reviewers’ comments are in the form of large Jan 15, 2019 · The first sign of the probability of being accepted (and the reverse, rejected) after revision is the categories of decision–“Accept,” “Accept after Revision/Minor Revision,” “Reject with Hope/Major revision,” or “Reject. Sep 13, 2019 · 2. For example, you could answer, “As we received conflicting advice from another reviewer, we decided to make the change they suggested, because…. When working with co-authors, send everyone the reviews immediately. Peer Review: if the manuscript passes the desk rejection stage, it will be sent out for peer review. In the process of publishing a peer-reviewed article, authors are often required to revise their original manuscript based on the comments from the reviewers. Dec 19, 2022 · The search was done using the following search terms including but not limited to specimen rejection, blood specimen rejection, blood sample rejection, laboratory rejection, sample rejection, analytical error, and clinical laboratory. This score is used to determine which reviewers are eligible for CME credit. 1. It's important to state that it's not always necessary to make all of the changes suggested by the reviewers. 4. Thank you for this suggestion. (for comment 1 from reviewer 1) followed by a copy–paste of the comment or question, or a short summary of the point raised. Our study explores 1) how reviewers use the confidential comments section and 2) alignment between comments to the Signal attention to review comments. Some of the comments are helpful and can be implemented, but others are not. In addition to the manuscript files, a document that contains your response to the reviewer comments is required (see sample shown in Figure 1). When I look at a paper again after receiving a rejection I almost always find all sorts of ways in which I can make my writing clearer. ] [First reviewer 2 comment] RESPONSE: [General opinion of comment (e. 1) The contents of this article are considered confidential information and may not be submitted to any external programs. , contributions, research model. By removing the weak quantitative part and focusing on the qualitative analysis, the paper could be improved considerably. " Response: Dear Reviewer, Thank you for your feedback on my research paper. Remember if your manuscript is sent for a second round of peer review the Jun 11, 2021 · In the service of the authors, peer review supports them to achieve both—the high standards of the field and the meaningful advancement of a journal’s scholarly conversation. ” After Out of all editorial decisions, a ‘reject decision’ on a manuscript is the harshest. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help authors revise and resubmit a rejected research manuscript. Make sure that each item clearly records the editor’s or reviewers’ words, without paraphrasing or shortening. Remember, the reviewer is probably a highly knowledgeable person. Sep 2, 2019 · In addition, the reasons for rejection may be justified—more work may be required. This paper describes some of the main steps that peer reviewers in general and, in particular, those performing reviewes of randomised For example, not all reviewers offer a solution when identifying a problem; sometimes, they simply may ask questions to further inquire about the topic. Available online. As noted by the Reviewer, the authors feel that the length restraint of a Brief Communication prohibits the inclusion of a Supplementary Information section. Aggressive Tone: “We strongly disagree with the reviewers’ comments and feel that their critiques are unfounded. See also: Best Performance Review Examples for 48 Key Skills. “ “ Jul 6, 2023 · Reviewer Comments, Author Responses and Manuscript Changes. First, the model is a proposition at this point; it needs to be tested. A similar analysis was performed on reviewers' positive comments for 28 manuscripts recommended unanimously for acceptance. Here is an illustration of how you could politely counter a reviewer's recommendation When providing peer review feedback, it’s important to balance positive and negative comments: this approach allows the reviewer to maintain a friendly tone and helps the recipient feel reassured. An example of a subject matter/content comment on an accepted manuscript [GET] Reviewer Comments Reject Example | latest. Each reviewer comment has its own row. Keeping in mind the guidelines above, how do you put your thoughts into words? Here are some sample “before” and “after” reviewer comments Before “The authors appear to have no idea what they are talking about. May 7, 2019 · Frequently encountered deficiencies among authors’ responses to reviewers’ or editors’ comments include ignoring or incompletely addressing these comments, not being specific about where and what exactly was changed within the manuscript, not knowing how to address differing or contradicting suggestions of the reviewers, providing inadequate evidence as justification for not making We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Provide an overview of the changes, new data, and new analyses performed in response to the most essential comments of all the reviewers. " Based on the third review, (the other two reviewers asked for minor changes) the editor decided to reject our paper. How can I response to the reviewer who rejected my paper? Oct 3, 2016 · Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. improve the work and address their concerns as per the specific comments below. Therelationshipbetweenthispatient Second review of ACP-2020-565 Recommendation: Reject General comments: While the authors did make strides to improve the explanation of the methods they employed, and their efforts did make their methods more clear, I obtained additional clarity in their approach and found several glaring concerns that need to be addressed. To add defects, click the desired line of text in the content view, type the defect description, click Add As Defect and fill in the required fields. Nov 11, 2014 · If you decide to do that, make sure you add a sentence such as “I have separated my responses to the reviewers’ comments according to several categories in order to achieve an integrated approach in my responses. Reviewer comments to the program committee are the basis on which accept/reject decisions are made. Committee on Publication Ethics. What should I do with Apr 3, 2018 · When we contacted the assistant editor, things got moving and we got a “major revision” with rather positive, but brief comments from two reviewers. We have also amended our instructions for authors on the journal website to say "For rejected research papers, we expect that authors will keep the identity and comments of peer reviewers confidential. ” Both the terms have certain commonality, but are not identical. Our revisions to the text are recorded using Track Changes in MS Word. " This can only be meant as a fucking joke. Sometimes there will also be a tracked changes version of your manuscript along with comments imbedded in the document. Often after the process of reviewing, the most conspicuous, prominent, and outstanding article and its related manuscript will be the one winning the race among the other contemporaries, and the others may be Nov 10, 2023 · While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and dejected after manuscript submission, it's key to approach the revision and resubmission process with a constructive mindset. Overall Comments to the Editor(s)-in-Chief: I recommend rejection of the paper for two main reasons. They may give them slightly different names, but the following list is typical: 1. However, when I checked the reviewers comments (from two reviewers), I found that their comments do not seem to be sufficient to reject the paper. (See below for an example and blank Jun 21, 2022 · The goal of every author is to have their research work published. A benefit of publishing your review history is that other scholars, especially early career researchers, now have an example of how to respond to reviewer comments. Your Editorial Decision: Reject. “All of the peer-reviewed rejection letters have a field below the editor’s signature that allows for comments,” she said. You raise an important question. Custom Review Question(s) : Resp onse Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: If you have a conflict of. Jan 26, 2017 · To develop your ability to learn appraisal comments, heres a comprehensive list of example phrases, comments, and constructive feedback examples as ideas and inspiration for your next performance review , performance self appraisal, 360 peer review, or just offering continuous feedback as part of employee performance and development. Peer Review and Manuscript Management in Scientific Journals: Guidelines for Good Practice. Response to Reviewer’s comments [Title of manuscript] (Ms. Sample comments and two examples help peer reviewers to formulate their verdict on a manuscript. What is a desk reject? A desk reject, also known as a desk rejection, is when your paper is turned down by a journal, prior to them sending it out for review. Given these comments, I would have expected the decision to be "minor revisions. Jun 8, 2020 · My paper was rejected and I have received a mail containing the comments of the reviewers and the reasons for rejection. Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission (including the reviewer comments to the authors, author rebuttal letters, as well as the editorial decision Most authors recognize that reviewer comments do help to improve articles, but many find reviewer comments unclear, inappropriate, unpleasant, and often frankly irritating. Reviewer 1. The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript and provide feedback to the editor. If a required reviewer sets this vote option, the vote will block PR approval. Nov 7, 2019 · Journal editors will often send a ‘rejection’ email that also includes an option to re-submit: We would consider a revised version of this paper if you are able to take the comments of the reviewers into account. It doesn't help the authors at all. Thus, they reject the manuscript even without sending it to the reviewer or may send it only to one reviewer to confirm the decision. If it doesn’t, the manuscript will be rejected at this stage. Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions; You get Nov 17, 2022 · Reviewer 2 Comments: [Reviewer 2 general comment] [Show appreciation for time and energy reviewer committed and the value of their comments. Here are 10 easy-to-follow steps that will help you to first revise your paper based on reviewers' comments and then resubmit to the journal. Sep 6, 2016 · Nevertheless, the reviewer gave his opinion, and you have to respond to it. How to Reject any Scientific Manuscript DIETER GERNERT Technische Universitaet Muenchen Arcisstrasse 21, D-80333 Muenchen, Germany e-mail: t4141ax@mail. Jan 26, 2023 · Comment 1 : "I think the paper would benefit from including more examples. Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. 6 %âãÏÓ 102 0 obj > endobj 124 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[70137E84D0035D469A70C70328D548CA>519BEFBAFEA1459F8732E158D05CA99E>]/Index[102 34]/Info 101 0 R I had submitted a paper for publication in a journal, but it got rejected. Tap Reject All to reject all changes in the document. You were invited to review because of your personal expertise and insight, which cannot be replicated by an AI tool. No. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer review comments and examples which reflect this verdict appropriately. Our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments are shown below. , the study is very epidemiolog-ical, with no psychological mechanisms assessed). ’” May 13, 2022 · One of the best ways to help train reviewers on how to give constructive feedback is to provide them with real-world examples. Technical reasons usually require more work such as further experiments or analysis before your work can be published. When writing a review, you should describe the reasons for the recommendation so that the editor can make an informed decision. Generative AI. Technical reasons for rejection include: Incomplete data such as too small a sample size or missing or poor controls; Poor analysis such as using inappropriate statistical tests or a lack of statistics altogether COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers. Writing a journal article review. Hames, I. Nov 7, 2016 · Every author faces rejection in their career! First, let us consider the types of verdict that a journal will use. Reviewer #1: Thank the reviewer first and politely submit your claim that you would appreciate it if the reviewer would take a second look offering to provide additional back up material as necessary and Feb 1, 2016 · Reviewer comments to authors whose papers are accepted will help them improve the paper for the final conference proceedings. How can we achieve this? The long story is that we have a 300+ page document where one reviewer modified the footer which led to formatting changes throughout the entire document. Feb 28, 2021 · Constructive reviewer comments. Instructions for authors Add each individual comment from reviewers and editors to the first column If you are responding to more than two reviewers, copy and paste one of the tables and edit the first column to read ‘Reviewer 3 Comment’, for example Jul 3, 2024 · Performance Review Comments About Time Management . The editor-in-chief handled the manuscript. This article will cover the other side: being a reviewer. Nov 2, 2015 · Peer review of journal articles is an important step in the research process. Instead of saying, “You need to improve your time management,” try offering suggestions like, “Consider using a calendaring tool to better organize your tasks and deadlines, which The reviewer(s) might have a history of recommending rejection (or vice versa). Jun 11, 2023 · We like to thank Reviewer 1 for this comment. Apr 8, 2024 · Providing thoughtful performance review comments can show your employees you are invested in their growth and development. Editors can see a reviewer's history of recommendations. Divide questions among the team and use track changes to ensure version control. Thank you for your comment. Language Specifics: Use formal language in all responses to the reviewers’ comments. ] [List the other comments for this section in the same format. He should work to improve his time management skills to ensure meetings begin and end as scheduled. If you do not agree with the reviewer you have to explain and defend your reasoning. In particular, be sure to explicitly state the review deadline. Apr 13, 2022 · Distinguish the reviewers’ comments from your own responses by using either bold or italicized versus normal text or using different fonts for specific sections. It is essential to have all authors review all comments and provide their responses to the primary author. Like signaling attention to the comments, claiming positive results May 26, 2023 · Desk Rejection: the editor will review the manuscript and decide whether it suits the journal. Before you submit your review, your line comments are pending and only visible to you. discussed peer review in a general sense, and how authors can effectively respond to peer review. Other factors may be at play; for example, the subject of the research may simply not be a good fit for the journal at this time—subjectivity cannot be reasoned away. If you have already started a review, you can click Add review comment. Be sure to answer each and every comment made by the reviewers. Find out how to assess, accept, reject, and resolve reviewers' feedback. Feb 21, 2018 · A well established and major journal, take Nature or one of the top 5 journals in your field as examples, may reject very good papers, which may be perfectly acceptable in good journals. At Elsevier, between 30 percent to 50 percent of articles don't even make it to the peer review process. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. Please do express your honest opinions. The paper is perfect for the Journal of the Shipping Manuscripts Society. The key is to remain calm and address the reviewers' suggestions for revision in a systematic manner. Mar 24, 2022 · One review was very much in depth and provides the author with a number of directions and recommends that the paper be rejected. This type of rejection can feel very disappointing, but don’t get too down on yourself. There are a range of reviewer comments, such as: Sep 11, 2021 · Responding to Peer Reviewer Comments: A Free Example Letter Responding to the comments peer reviewers offer when they assess your research paper can be as challenging as writing the original manuscript, especially when the necessity of revising your paper to resolve problems is considered as well. nyhftjz moqik cdo uiywrj svrydon toze hzspktqd hptzhts ybsuog iqkl