Entp male reddit. we get along pretty well for the most part.


78K subscribers in the entp community. However, I've heard that opposites don't really attract when it comes to MBTI. A male friend of mine and I (20F) are the most quintessentially ENTP people I've meet in person, and both of us are very conscientious about what we wear. The shared Ne/Ti hits different in terms of how well we could communicate and analyze our relationship, and even use cognitive functions as a model to understand each other better. In the source MBTI material Ne doms are described as the most versatile of all types in how they show up in the world. I am a female ENTP and my boyfriend is an INTJ. I am male. INTJ won’t do something if there is a high chance of failure, ENTP might try even if the chance is 20%. So, I am wondering if most young ENTP males are like this? Is there really hope for lady INFJ's and ENTP men? Either an ENFP or ENTP could shun logic in favor of someone's feelings or vice versa. 2- similarly, there’s potential problems with the ISTPs tool Se and the ENTP’s 8th slot Se. You can’t “trick” someone who prides themself on their intelligence, and who values honesty, and authenticity. we got a decent bit of entp girls tho- tbh the only people i genuinely fear in arguments are entps who have been in debate for 5+ years. com First, remember that everyone is different, the "ENTP" label on somebody doesn't mean we're all clones that will react the same way. like, if i saw a fuckin carbon copy of myself against me id shit my pants and run, yo. I’ve some issues with my 37 yo ENTP male. met mine on Hinge. Relationship compatibility prediction via MBTI is a sketchy practice IMO. Home of the ENTPs, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) I have taken the MBTI test twice 3 years before and got classified under INTJ each time. Usually when either of us is going through a challenge, we talk and it helps, but now it’s not the case. 96K subscribers in the mbtimemes community. And arguably being the most self-righteous of the 8 functions, if the Fi is running around in a tyrannical, unhealthy state, it'll be hard to work through and with. ”. The only thing about ENTPs I have noticed is that they are extremely messy and don't bother about things like cleaning up or arranging things in an orderly way. Him INTJ makes detailed traveling plans, Me ENTP crosses out every other war museum/historic, grave/memorial site and makes more room for really interesting new stuff. So I'm a male ENTP interested in a female ENFJ. Most of my friends are ENTP, ENFP and INTP. I mean i'm an ENTP female, i don't speak for everyone but i met this ENFP guy a few months ago, went out with him recently and i like. Hey, welcome to r/mbtimemes - reddit's community for memes about MBTI and its 1… Honestly, I love ENTP girls the most. She was also extremely bad at communication which made it all the more difficult on me to decipher emotional cues as an ENTP male. Any ideas how this relationship would go? Any tips, any stories, any ideas on how what the relationship dynamics would be like? Etc etc Thanks :) Well, since I’m a male ENTP raised by a ISFJ mom (and people apparently likes to marry someone alike their parents… for better or worse ๐Ÿ˜…), I wonder: may the type of the person who most influenced your growing-up (usually the mother or the father) and your order of birth have any causal connection with your type? The ENTP will generally understand WHAT the INFP's Fi wants But it won't understand why. And he’s a drop dead gorgeous ESFJ at that! Not kidding. Let’s start with a bit of humor, shall we I think that is a pretty obvious one. mfs are scary. I express other affirmations verbally, like clothes, posture, style, and her way of talking. Basically, I want to experience a variety of romantic relationships with a variety of people before settling down. If I could also choose where I was born, I would choose to be a female. We’re over represented in law for a mix of reasons, but it’s definitely not a perfect fit. She taught me the importance of structure and commitment, and I taught her to stop believing she's a societal pariah. 5 year long relationship with a male ENTP. it lets me see the whole person- their beauty, scars, depth; keeps me interested and makes the whole getting to know you phase fluid. INFJs improve sex life by teaching ENTP to be gentle in bed. As an INFJ male, I literally don't see any possibility of a non-casual relationship with an ENTP because of the lack of Fi. Home of the ENTPs, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) I'd like to try dating an ENTP female to see what you're about, but wonder if this only works best if the male is the ENTP and the female is the INFJ. We met online, dated for a while, moved in together, broke up, got back together, moved in together again, blocked each other, talked very seriously about getting married, then eventually just fizzled out to friends. I think a good INFJ makes an ENTP a better person by making them more in tune with their emotional side. Communication can be a challenge between any two people, and communication between ENFP and ENTP personality types is not the exception. As an ENTP, I hate filler conversation or stock compliments, so they have to be diverse, which is why I rarely go with the Love term. Divorced 2 years ago. My bf is ISTP and we connected very quickly. Stubborn wouldn't even begin to describe it. In regards to the too rigid comment where they stay away from ISTJs. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Any entp girls relate more to male entp characters? I'm a male ENTP and my wife is an ISTJ. One of my best friends is a female ENTP. I also have a low tolerance for the ENTP asshole stereotype, which might be partly a female thing. Personally I enjoy texting. Welcome to r/entp! Before you comment, take a second to read the rules. I do not fit into the LGBT community in the slightest. (Rule-breaking posts will be removed. I don't have experience though, it's just a theory, a relationship theory. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Male ENTP with Male INFJ Romantic Relationship My ENTP boyfriend is 26 and he has a very developed Fe, which I think comes from some life experience as well as the fact that he grew up as the only boy (excluding his dad) with 2 sisters who are both xSFJ so he learned to be more sensitive and aware early on. ENTP male here. All personalities are welcome! 14 votes, 21 comments. They're the most likely one to capture our interest so we do precisely what I have said. That's a very good The confusion between ENTP and ENTJ with mostly arises in whether one wishes to explore respectively more just for the "sake of exploring" (ENTP) or for "sake of actually finding something and then *actually pursuing* / doing that" ! It may be a common mistype for ENTJ's however during the exploration process if it takes "more" resources/time I feel like a warrior. I sort of disagree with the previous comment. ENFPs make great friends. ENTP make INFJ go reach their full potential by going out of their comfort zone. Well, I've never met another gay ENTP, so I might just be a weird ENTP. I've seen these relationships work better with entp female and estp male but never the opposite. He’s a beaut. Interestingly, there seem to be quite a lot of male ENTP+female INTJ couples in Reddit. Why do you think it's not normal to be a female thinking type? They are literally all around, just like male feeling types are. ENTP (Debater) is a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting traits. the main growth in an ENTP is understanding you are WRONG. The way u act is determined by other things. really like him. ENTP can come to grips with the reality of the ISFJ easier than the ISFJ can come to grips with the ENTP, IMO. 25 votes, 194 comments. The stereotype seems to be embraced by a certain male subset of ENTPs. I admired his confidence and how well spoken he was - I could just blurt out a bunch of nonsense and he could filter it out and put it s We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. it’s also nice to be with someone i feel i can be myself around, and don’t have to hide my cold robot self haha. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So me and this bisexual entp friend of mine is too close for comfort. Just adding my 2 cents. Here, I wrote this for a very similar post a few months ago: Engage him about the things he's excited about right now (which probably changes every month or so) and try to appear genuinely interested even if you don't care - not only will he love you for it, it'll make it easier for you to ask relevant, insightful questions which he will love to answer. I was a teacher's pet, which doesn't seem to be very common for ENTP boys? I didn't start acting like an ENTP until late high school and college. My previous relationship was with a type 1 INTJ, and we broke up due to LDR ish. I wasn't expecting that when i met him, but after talking more and getting to know him i felt like we clicked really well and it was super nice. I often feel like my brain don't want to spend energy on an information that is not considered usefull. When we first met there was this instant connection, and we "teamed up" intellectually. Actually there was a wonderful P A female ENTP’s female friends are more likely to be F types, so she will need to be more careful to avoid hurting them (when a male ENTP hurts a sensitive male F type with a blunt argument, the male F type can’t really react emotionally without losing face). I went on one date with this entp and we stayed out until 1 am with witty banter galore. So confusing. Based on my (INTP Male) personal experience of dating (an ENTP Female) Pros: Deep debates. Married to INFJ female for 4 years, dated for 7. I would just like to say thank you for keeping me on track when I'm struggling to focus. Well, since I’m a male ENTP raised by a ISFJ mom (and people apparently likes to marry someone alike their parents… for better or worse ๐Ÿ˜…), I wonder: may the type of the person who most influenced your growing-up (usually the mother or the father) and your order of birth have any causal connection with your type? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This relationship that I'm in with the ENTJ is the absolute GREATEST relationship I've ever had. Shared love expressions (quality time, physical touch, intellectual stimulus). Speaking from personal experience the relationship will burn hard and fast. I think it sounds like he might simply be in it for the challenge. Home of the ENTPs, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). u become a J. The biggest thing for an ENTP to know about dating an INFJ is to be respectful of their alone time, to be sensitive towards their feelings, and to be caring. ENTP can be surprisingly empathetic and fake with people as well. We both dress nicely, modernly, and among our friend group we are considered the "fashionable ones". 21 votes, 47 comments. Was married about 10 years, wasn't really "happy" about it for most of the marriage - its a mixed bag but my former ISFJ partner would do/say things that to this day I can't even process. It's too chaotic and unclear to be anything meaningful. We moved in together after only 5 months of dating at ages 21 and 23 and its amazing as hell!! Our relationship is awesome, and throughout, each of us has gone through dark periods where the other person would provide a massive amount of emotional support. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. She wears glasses and is into chemistry, she wears purple clothes and has her hair tied into a ponytail (lab safety is important) and wears a labcoat. Second reason - our personality is stereotypically more fitting for men cause god forbid there is a smart funny and not emotional female character, and people love stereotypes so they will make only stereotypical entp male characters that masses love. Something you can never fully grasp and something that potentially is ever changing. Not saying there isn't value in MBTI when analyzing relationship compatibility, but it's not as simple as "my ideal type is <xyzh>", more likely the value of MBTI is less the type and more the cognitive functions & how the individuals tolerate and relate to them. ENTP will fail at things that INTJ could see from a mile away. Being open to talk about feeling all the time but without… that male ENTPs tend to have more admirers than the female ones. Everytime I feel obliged to help someone now, I will feel my bod Tbh as an Entp woman, I absolutely love when people in general overshare. It was on and off for 3 years — and I do mean on and off. ENTP here. Already have inside jokes just from a week of talking to each other. When it comes to office dynamics, they are often drawn to careers that involve collaboration, teamwork, and networking. Home of the ENTPs, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) You’re not wasting your time. I say this because it is common knowledge that women want the extroverted/confident rock with tons of friends where men might prefer an introverted sensitive/caring woman with dem feels. I am an ENTP female, and despite the stereotypical “clash” between Fi and Ti that ENFPs and ENTPs are supposed to have in relationships, I have consistently found myself attracted to ENFP males more than any other type. With our trademark vision and spontaneity, who knows how high our tolerance for unpredictability I had an awesome relationship with an ENTP woman, still to this day I think she's the person who has understood me the most in life. I’m a mid20’s ENTP woman, and am emotionally healthy and have a pretty secure attachment style. Or check it out in the app stores INFP (female) + ENTP (male) in romantic relationship, opinions on The entp female/intj male works great, lasted 16 years. When a good friend of the ENTPs is sad and swallowed by negative emotions, it is often the ENTP that chooses to engage and cheer them up with something stupid Lol that guy is definitely an ENTP. The problem with an INFJ male and ENTP female is that the INFJ is too meek to sacrifice the ENTP to Satan, and Satan won't accept a male offering. First of all, “Love at first sight” doesn’t exist. it’s nice to be with someone who gets me out of my shell and comfort zone. (PS: Oh yes, curvesofyourlips, ban me, block, fucking delete it, you pussy. So an ENTP would be a ENTp while an ISFP would actually be an ISFj. Being in a relationship is a major commitment and of course a big change. He joined the army and asked me to marry him but I had my own career goals. 16/10. To adress your problem, I, a male ENTP, identify a lot. I am an ENTP male, who is in a steady relationship with an ESTJ female. I feel like I can be more goofy with text without the awkwardness. She's curious but is a critical thinker, you can see her skeptical curiosity in her facial expression. I know first-hand the ENTP/INTJ pair has amazing potential, but I find the (anecdotal) gender tendencies Hi, Im INFJ girl and Im dating an ENTP male. I have known a few ENTP's throughout my life and the younger guys seem to lack empathy. Or check it out in the app stores I've been with an INFJ, ENTP, INTP, two INFP's, an ENFP, an ISTJ male entp here dating an enfj girl. ) Extroverted Intuition (Ne) Post good shit. So that was your first mistake. 81K subscribers in the entp community. We both had an immediate attraction towards each other. There is no “Trick” to make an ENTP “fall in love. In my experience I can say we are really different. me, an INFJ, only said a few words and took one attempt to interrupt ENTP with my own idea. The benefit of the ISTJ is they sweat all the details in life so we ENTPs don't have to. What it came down to was, a female ENTP she was exposed to a lot more expectations from society. When I looked up for the personality type for INTJ, it didn't sound like me at all so I dismissed the MBTI test as one of those pseudo-science thingies. I’m ENTP and yes I’m super social, outgoing, have a lot of male AND female friends, I am very respectful of someone I’d call my boyfriend or if I knew someone asked me out or toward someone I’m dating. I see this all the time online everytime ENTPs are brought up. Always hit it off. They tend to be bold and creative, deconstructing and rebuilding ideas with great mental agility. He is leaning on the other side. Hope this can help you. My 30 year old INFJ male friend and I were talking, and it came up that I don’t want a serious relationship right now. otherwise live in chaos. Content should promote thoughtful discussion. So now I study women who are powerful, male-like warriors and realized there's a whole sisterhood of women like us. Extremely intense and fascinating. His emotional outbursts over the years have been the worst part of our connection but otherwise he is a great partner and compliment to me. I’m female ENFP and I was in a 1. The way they behave at a shallow level might not be (dat ExxP excitement yo) especially in a casual social/drinking setting, but as you pick their brain you'll find that they're completely different. For all things MBTI. INTJ x 2 - One was my best friend. ENTPs are great- they are more sense oriented than INTJs are. Our ability to read others on the fly empowers us to dive into new situations, roles, and communities with fearless enthusiasm—where others may be cautious by default. There is no certain way that ENTP's or any other way acts. But I do believe that the trouble in the relationship most often comes from the ISFJ not really believing that the ENTP is so different from them. That's why the ENTP/INFJ pairing is so desired. make chaos prudice the The ENTP uses their Fe as a way to bridge that gap and connect, the ENTP seeks engaging with others to empathize and understand but it's often guised/masked as logical combativeness. ENTP male - was with my ISFJ partner/wife for about 15 years. While on the other hand I know an ENTP man in his 70's who is incredibly kind and emotionally validating. Entp male and INFJ female is way better. we get along pretty well for the most part. Im female ENTP dating a male INFJ and we jive super well but his level of introversion does not match my extroversion which causes some issues with how often we want to see each other, how we cope with bad days, how often we socialize with others, etc (I always want to get together and talk to people about it and he wants to hole up and do whatever he does while he is alone). 21F ENTP here and I’ve had one serious romantic relationship. No, the one who buys most of the toys is the INFJ lmaooo. I met my INFP bf at a party, he was brought there by some of my other friends. Do not post personal advice requests to the sub; this content belongs in our weekly “Ask an ENTP Anything” thread. . In summary, I've learned a lot about myself from this, and I don't think it's something I'd get into again. Seconding. It’s just tough for this match up in the sense that they don’t find each other often because male INFJs are a tad bit rarer than female INFJs and female ENTPs are rarer than male ENTPs. Most of them because ENTP female seems like ignorant with the detail things, which ESFJ male tends to be organized and detailed person. Contrarily, as another ENTP male, never use the love word. We get a lot of people asking us how we have such a great marriage of 28 years. As a female ENTP, I don't know many who are attracted to me, what I hear more is that I look dominant and bossy, like a young female CEO. The answer might have to do with where you are unfortunately and more specifically how gay friendly the area you are in is (Also your age) I can’t speak for all ENTPs but I know I hang out places where I can be “doing” something, and that something is usually something active - check out the gay sports teams in your area! My ENTP bf is going through his early stage of grieving. I love the layer of mysterious look in eyes of every ENTP girl, it seems like the most attractive thing in the world. and the GREATEST growth, is understanding WHY ur wrong, and developing an interpretation against ENTP dom. For example taking looks into consideration, makeup, just general readiness. I think that if we often put Intp F x Entp M it is because in the common vision it is up to the man to take the lead in the relationship or to drive the other and within the framework of an Entp relationship X Intp is more the Entp that will take on its role. These ENTP stereotypes only go so far. My ideal woman is very smart, she likes science. Can overcome arguments simply with periods of distance. I understand prospecting is a tool, its used to decipher the best path. Being ENTP or otherwise is no reason to be immature / disrespectful towards someone else’s affection and feelings imo. I like him because he has shown me that he is going to be there anytime, and that he is going to stay forever, so you could say that the thing I appreciate the most about him is that he gives me stability in my life. Because feeling isn't one of our strengths either we have nothing to fall back on, become depressed and bitter, but most of all lonely. And it’s nothing personal, it’s just that I’m busy and distracted by what’s going on in my life, my environment, the thoughts going through my brain at any given moment…I’m not typically sitting and thinking about other people. I’ve met a few female ENTPs in my life. I mean, she's madly and toxically in love with another guy to begin with, but despite her being really attractive and us having an affectionate bond, the cliche INTJ-ENTP arguments would get in the way of romance. Steady would be a great word for it because she is a very steady person. Cons: ENTP and INTP will develop an unhealthy feedback loop in regards to debates and arguments. that said, he can be a little critical of me and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’d say it’s a profession that’s easy for an ENTP to get into/do reasonably well in, but hard to be happy in. Idk about the interests one, I always fluctuate. If an ENTP is testing, teasing you, etc, and you think they're into you, then they are fucking your mind. But from my observations so far, it seems that females are more likely to act like me while male ENTP's seem to be colder to new people. Hmm I'm really close friends with an ENTP girl being a guy, and I don't see it too well. We've had to live in the shadows of the patriarchy. Absolutely everyone says that I am a great listener and give very good logical advice. My Ex-gf I actually overcommited, I suffered for her and I’m paying the price for that, by resenting to help people now. ENFPs use Te, whilst ENTPs use Ti. Infj m +entp f = good pair (I'm a calm entp f, very similar to an intp with ADHD, and I constantly unwittingly find infj guys around, they stick, we usually have very deep conversations. ENTP improve sex life by teaching INFJS to be freaky in bed. By being aware of the issues that often arise when ENFP s and ENTP s communicate, you can learn how to reach an understanding more quickly. She does what she says she's going to do, when she says she's going to do it. I’m an ENTP woman in a 2+ year relationship with my INFJ male partner. My guess is, that if entp is male and infj is female, they help to develop each other tertiary function, but in vice versa case, I think that infj male and entp female benefit a lot by helping each other get in touch back with auxiliary. Nov 12, 2020 ยท As quintessential jacks-of-all-trades, ENTP personalities like me rely on our sharp perception to move through life with ease. I think ENTP and ISFJ are two opposing worlds. I love your adventurous and fearless spirit. for a traditional marriage of wife being mostly on the domestic side of things looking after the kids and house/home while the NT male works on world domination. It works for me. like 85-90% of my friends are male. He’s now very depressed and isolates a lot. If not, and where I was born was decided by random, there would be no way in hell I'd risk being born as a female anywhere but North America or Europe, and I'd rather just stay male. I’ve seen this play out as the ISTP wanting to take action before the ENTP is done ideating, which is a good way to bother an ENTP. Interesting! Never thought about that. I lol’d. He was the first person who kinda understood me and realised that I actually never talk about myself but funky stuff, friends etc. See full list on truity. I mean, female INTJs are way rarer than either female ENTPs or male INTJs, so I wonder what's that about. Recently start dating an entp male, he is kind of my first real relationship although I’m at late 20s (typical intj behavior lol) and he has tons of relationships before (well fit into the entp stereotype) I’m happy about the relationship so far and normally we hangout 1-2 times a week (mostly at his place) and one day he suddenly said he feel he didn’t spend enough time with me and he ENTP M (23) and I need advice on my INFJ F (28) ex Can I fix this relationship or leave it idk if INFJ go back to long term exs? TLDR- My relationship ended on good terms (long distance/misunderstanding etc). We have a lot of fun together and are still children at heart. 61 votes, 130 comments. My F-ENTP(~30yo+) friend, a fave of mine, and my m-ENTP(~35yo+) self were talking on the weekend about exactly this. Another ENTP here. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. When it comes to jokes and sarcasm, when a male ENTP says In Socionics, Exxx types remain the same (save for a lower case 4th dichotomy letter) while Ixxx types have the last dichotomy changed. We need more women like us because we pave the way for women to be respected and seen as strong. i like her a lot and she is amazing and very supportive and to make things even more interesting we are almost polar opposites, our common ground being the ability to discuss anything and to challenge our ego’s in a flirty manner. It took a lot of work but it's the most fulfilling relationship I've ever had. 470K subscribers in the mbti community. In contrast, the male ENTP can sacrifice the meek female INFJ to Satan. Enfp doesn’t like antagonizing really just wants someone to be sweet to them and listen to their ideas Source: intp male, I fucked both types As an ENTP lawyer, there’s some niche areas that can be a good fit, but a lot of it is miserable drudgery. When a male entp exists it’s fine but the same traits on a woman isn’t socially acceptable. true. The most steady I've met in regards to being a beacon of integrity. ENTP males (especially young ones) tend to be pretty immature and careless - the way he's seeing other girls "and keeps thinking about you" is a sign of that, and how he prefers the greener grass. This is pretty accurate. That and they have a good sense of humor. An ENTP, on the other hand, will have more of a natural awareness of how others feel and will often, though not always, use this to joke around and play games with people, toying with their emotions. We see each other for 3 months now. ISFJ and ENTP are each other's best fit by this metric. being a gay ENTP is fucking bizarre, to say the least. I don’t like being that person who brings gender into everything but i’ve found that my male friend (ESTP but borderline ENTP) who is p much my twin were the same person is way more well received than me (who does the same shit as him, again we Sep 5, 2023 ยท While ENTP males are independent thinkers, they have a relatively high need for social interaction. The developed ENTP (both male and female) are nicer people. INFJ make ENTP fulfil their potential by making them finish their unfinished plans. I do admit I enjoy his company but I've seen patterns where I attract commitment phobes as he is openly one. I know one entp female in Ne-Fe loop, she is extremely messy and I don’t even know how to describe that case. Don't ruin a potential friendship like that by trying to get involved romantically. 76K subscribers in the entp community. If you do truly identify as male and want a change, also cool. but once u find a best path, hold true to it. I (type 8 ENTP female) have been dating a type 8 ENTJ male for 5 months today. 3 days ago, I again took the test and answered based on my past experiences rather than based on what traits I wanted to have, and got classified under ENTP. ENTP male LOOKALIKES. It really goes to show how bad we Ti men are at this. As for dating, I’ll share my latest experience. I consider myself somewhat well developed in my Fe use (tertiary function) and working on my inferior Si. It won't probably lead to direct conflict and hostiloty (like ENTP with ESFP probably would) but it will almost certainly lead to complete misunderstunding, or maybe even worse - understanding of being opposites of each other. and was actually listening. This is completely true. You just have to be you, and to hope that that’s enough, and in truth, it might not be! Overall, despite it being contra-intuitive, I think an actualized ENTP male with an actualized ISFP female, that lives as to make a palace of cleansing for the ENTP, will be the ideal relationship. i am an entp highschool politics student (yes we got an entire school dedicated to study politics and business), but im a dude. INTJ female dating an ENTP male. Not that his looks have anything to do with his ESFJ type, I just felt compelled to brag. I have never met anyone like him. ESFP and ENTP are very different. Then, you rushed into a marriage cuz “we seemed ideal, on paper,” even though you didn’t take the time to actually test that theory. Recently I’ve been really mad as a male ENTP at every last person around me for any reason, mainly high levels of stupidity but other reasons too, I’ve been too mad for like 2 weeks now I barely ate like I used to before, and I hate my Fi for this one girl, but anyway I’m starting to hate people for this all, but I also can be happy, the anger is just in the background a lot, but yeah Works the other way too. A fellow ENTP - It was good but we were too young and enveloped in career goals/we moved to different parts of the country. He always the one to invite me to do some things… ENTP male dating an ISFJ female I'm interested in pursuing a relationship with an ISFJ. I grew apart maturely As an ENTP woman, I can genuinely say I also wouldn’t think to talk to my partner every day if I didn’t live with him. MBTI doesn't really tell u that. Just like how ESFJ being upset because ENTP keeps doing the same mistakes in his opinion. hi, i am an intj female with some struggles with an male entp. Be it friends, dating, etc. I think I don’t have to talk in detail about the connection, you can read about the dynamics of shadow stacks- and it was exactly like that. I'm an ENTP 5w6 and my girlfriend who I've been dating almost a year now is a INFJ 4w5. ๐Ÿ˜ณ From top to bottom Ezra Miller, The one and only Cs Joseph :) and Johnny Depp, one with him playing Grindelwald as an omage for what happened a few days ago. ENTP female feels exhausted because ESFJ male keeps bringing up her pass mistakes while they're in conflict. I just dislike how it comes off as and I think while trying to be "accepted" the LGBT community instead will often do more harm than good (I can explain my ideas on this if people The ENTP will get frustrated with the ISTP’s predictability and lack of ability to improvise. They are natural leaders who know how to motivate and inspire others. Buuuut . I’m an entp too and having hard time supporting him. 'Nice' is considered a feminine trait, but it's not going to overrule our top two functions, so the development of Fe doesn't make an ENTP feminine, it makes them gender-neutral. 15 votes, 19 comments. ENTP: * inhales * , * starts explaining the concept of war, capitalism and economics, with a lot of examples in history and from personal life * an hour passes, we come home, ENTP still continues talking on this topic. Entp Isfj are duals, the best relationship according to socionics and ime (I’ve very much enjoyed the presence of every entp I've met so far). I have like 3 really close girlfriends and the one i’m closest too is also ENTP. The texting thing is odd to me. I’ve seen some pairings like that amongst boomers and it seems ENTP is Si, I like to try new things and i am creative in this topic, so it is not true Enfp: similar to entp in ways that they both get random ideas but enfp is more sensitive and selfish in terms of needs. The amount of times INTJ has said “I told you”… On the upside, ENTP are less risk-adverse and enjoy experimenting. I always say her name, never use pet names. Communication Between ENFP and ENTP. There is twice as much entp men as is women - first reason. Why? Multiple orgasms and generally being treated like you can do no harm. Calling ENTPs argumentative / useless debaters / just want to win and the like is a passive aggressive attempt to minimize, downplay and a refusal to acknowledge how easily ENTPs can sniff out, latch on to and completely root out lies or falsehoods to expose the truth that a person tried to hide in a way that no other person has So I’m an ENTP woman and I’ve been dating an ESFJ male for going on 8 years. Im an ENTP female married to an ENFJ male. the only problem is that she’s super focused on her social outlook and overall principles and refuses to seek any kind of Immature ENTPs don't successfully indulge in self-improvement, thus they become self-loathing and unconfident. I do see what you mean, I will say that the majority of my friends are male. irnuywg fozsxn ysapx yhkg aumnvssb gzlbkadd hddfs oygo gpbmkch ablix